Saturday, January 16, 2021

We are Gods With Our Senses

we are gods with our senses
judging what 
looksgood feelsgood isgood 
from what does and is not
all roads leading to evolution
however winding they seem
we have every right to grow however the sun awakens us
and find a water source even in the hardest rock

I have stumbled on many rocks

in some bitter moments
I have known the bite of a thousand dirty hands on my tongue,
silencing where they touched
touching where I hid
forgetting to feel the pleasant things
that hadn't left yet
still feeling the invasions
that were long gone

this morning I looked through blinds
and in that half-inch second,
the whole world was one blue sky

I don't have a point if you're waiting

this is a poem about the way we censor our joy
& our lives together
but I’m stumbling
the lines between brilliant and distasteful overlap
we are that flavor

I know it's a cliché but I don't love anyone as much
as those willing to cut me up
those able to say 
they see through the façade
and love me anyway

I don't have a point if you're waiting

I think we should give love lost a proper burial
burn it like an offering of gratitude, 
to any eyes searching the sky for hope
Yes, Virginia, connections are tenable
and yet tentative in every moment

she asked me, calm as you like,
If I remembered when we were dinosaurs together
I pulled her into myself
and split my ribcage to nestle her in
I discovered in her midnight fingertips-we are all the fingers of the same god's hands
I discovered we are all
remembering how to live for the first time.
and yet again in every moment
and I never wrote a poem as true
as the scream I gave with my first breath
so, if life's worth comes from honest pain,
I will accept nothing less

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