Monday, August 30, 2021

1/30 Dear Body

Dear body, I will not do to you what people have done to the earth. our streams will be clear our limbs will stretch & grow tall I will not cut you down nor cut you up
Dear body, I am sorry I have made mistakes I have medicated my consciousness tried to numb emotions and sense which are your life blood I am sorry that I never thought you were beautiful that I covered and hid things about you which I couldn't accept You were always the more honest part.
there are still places on my skin that I face with barely more than a wince.
I am changing. you've grown on me
teaching me that it's okay to hurt I will heal. our soft places are a source of strength I have the power to grow these bones  out from under me though I've spent most of my life chasing after their brittle giggle just to feel my foundations quake.
I don't love you quite yet, shell of my ghost skin over my bones but I'm definitely in like with you in the headwater-  the pollution began with my thoughts that together we could never be enough that the damage began during conception it wasn't the line of my fault now I see, we are the same you are not just the vehicle for my soul you are the measured seconds of the time I have left
I will worship you with kindness adorn you with comfort hear you when you call revel in your awake I will see that the lines between us  are not precise therefore where you fall, we fall
Dear body, I am on my way to you.

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