Thursday, March 13, 2014


I heard you say- "quit yer bitching- things are even. 
In fact men are oppressed, we can't even whistle 
tell a woman she's beautiful 
and be called an asshole."
I replied a tear in my eye- you're not an asshole, you're ignorant;
you just don't know 
but I have to try and expand your mind
because there was a time when I was blind
see with your third eye
Women are more than babysitters for a male seed
More than a punching meat-bag for an aggressive need
More than a man's vacant hole
proving we're better has never been the goal
once I was naive- Adam ribbed eve that's how it should be.
But what was normal before now seems fucked up to me
I'm not saying it's every man
but if you're gonna whistle then cat-call for us all
'cuz damn, each of us is beautiful.

I'll be the first to admit
I have a strange habit-
carving up my arms and legs to look prepubescent 
& I agreed, he should earn more than me- no ounce of meanness
better qualified solely by the existence of his penis
but our world has just begun!
sing of our revelation
look at my son, I know all about creation.

I'm not an instigator or a man-hater,
I'm just trying to say equal work demands equal pay
and I'm no longer surprised to find
someone's always gonna try to deny
a woman speaking her mind
"we heard all that in the 60's sweetie,
broke laws and burned bras to prove your point, girl"
How is it you can say the word sweetie and it hits like bitch?
and we had to reclaim the word girl after you had your way with it.
I could spout out a statistic
but it wouldn't hit like a cryptic ballistic 
I know you'd miss it
until you see each shattered face behind every covered up case
met the woman who got away
crawled when she couldn't stand
until you see that even as a child, she was more
of man.
don't worry I heard you and it's not me vs you
or even men vs women
there's just a tear-jar in my heart
that shatters apart every time you say we are

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