Wednesday, April 2, 2014

His Brand of Special

Stacy, the hairstylist, pulls me aside
a fluster of seriousness says
he is the most with-it 6yr old I have ever met
What do you say to that?
when near-strangers love your child as much
I thought I was special for seeing him
I am overflowing with gratitude- she sees gets him too 
at 2 he asked what dirt was made of
instead of eating it like toddlers do
a few years later
in the same wondering way
he asked if it was true-
that people really kill other people.
in reply, I cried.

I am disappointed to be so small
to not give him a better world.
Last week he said Santa was creepy
Because he sneaks into your house
Presents or not, he gets it
Stacy sneezes and he tells her 
he calls sneezes ‘bless yous’
and also, in an excited bird chirp
if you want to break-up with someone
Just get a really bad haircut
that way
their feelings aren't hurt
when you don’t like them anymore

He knows sometimes
you don’t like people anymore.

He sees Stacy’s pack of cigarettes
and asks in his tiny voice
why she wants to die
then quickly adds
that he wants to be a “hair cutter”,
a pilot, cook, 1st grade teacher, actor, singer and dancer
that he wants to do it all
but mostly, he wants to be a “hair cutter”
Because they help people look good on the outside
So it’s easier for them to feel good on the inside
They help people remember to smile at themselves
maybe that’s why she was impressed
as we walked away she was smiling
I know every child is magical,
but Charlie’s special sparkles
he has an answer for nearly everything
we say we love each other to infinity
and if you ask him what is after infinity

he’ll say- sparkles.

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